As so many dishes are shared by a couple or among a group, greater vegetable variety would be appreciated.
If you do want curry, it is lowest in calories to stick to the vegetable varieties.
But executives said that Monsanto would now develop new vegetable varieties using conventional breeding.
Through its gardener members, the nonprofit organization maintains 8,000 rare or endangered vegetable varieties.
The main activity of Enza is developing new vegetable varieties for domestic and foreign customers.
On its colorful pages it lists seeds of many traditional vegetable varieties that are rarely seen today.
The vegetable variety, with a rich tofu and mushroom filling, is a standout.
The second aspect is the seed as a vegetable variety, which is also, from what we have heard, giving rise to many problems.
Every year sees yet more new vegetable varieties to tempt the growing number of us who home grow.
Gerber started producing 12 fruit and vegetable varieties here in March.