Dance floors have been discovered in addition to "vaulted tombs", and it seems that the dance was ecstatic.
A Cyclopean Wall which protected a city still exists today near modern Farsala, as does a vaulted tomb from that period.
Moreover, the King bade build over his daughter's ashes a vast vaulted tomb, and burn therein wax tapers and sepulchral lamps.
The so-called Tomb of the Julii, near the crypt beneath St Peter's Basilica, is a 4th-century vaulted tomb with wall and ceiling mosaics that are given Christian interpretations.
Burial 10 consists of a collapsed vaulted tomb found under Structure 76.
Ho, scutcheons o'er the vaulted tomb Where Norman valour sleeps, Why shake ye so?
In the late Classic period, the elite constructed vaulted tombs, and some rulers ordered the construction of large burial complexes.
They entered the church: large, high-roofed and multi-chapelled, reflecting much of Burford's past and present wealth in its vaulted tombs and grandiloquent memorials.
Archaeologist Merle Greene Robertson has suggested that the vaulted tomb under Temple 20 is that of Queen Ix Yohl Ik'nal.
When, in the 18th century, part of this field was amalgamated into the churchyard as vaulted tombs the area became known as the "Covenanters' Prison".