The loss of three seats from the present Congress means that some members are running in unfamiliar districts - and that some districts have been vastly altered.
In 1912 the interior was vastly altered to convert the Kaiserbahnhof to civilian use, with the space being converted to 3 apartments, from 13 newly created rooms.
His literary vision and equipment had vastly altered since the beginning of that correspondence.
Soviet missiles in Cuba would not have vastly altered the strategic balance in the Cold War because the Soviets already had missiles that could hit us.
It had been vastly altered and redesigned by others in the 1960s.
Thus, from the late 18th century, its interiors were vastly altered.
I think novels were vastly altered by the advent of film.
However their role was vastly altered upon adoption of the Constitution of 1963 when their office was deleted as was the office of justice of the peace.
Her rescue attempt seemingly works, but Cisco is not truly freed and Katrina herself is vastly altered.
The world was vastly altered: for instead of a mountain cavern and rough stone altar, she stood alone in the centre of a low-ceilinged room.