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The vast stocks of grain that were held held in reserve decades ago are well down.
He selected three bombs from his vast stock, loaded them into the tubes, and lofted.
For all their differences, the two Manhattan communities have a common fixation: the area's vast stock of city-owned properties.
He was a prosperous fellow with vast stocks of sheep.
Each day, in his mind, he would go over the vast stock of knowledge he already possessed.
Burl should have gloated over this vast stock of food.
She developed a compulsive need to accumulate vast stocks of whatever attractive goods were available 'under the counter'.
Unlike main high street stores, there is always a forgotten gem tucked away somewhere amongst their vast stock of books.
This vast stock overhangs the market, and is a source of major embarrassment for the Commission.
From her vast stock, Romana Javitz (1903-1980) could find you a picture of anything.