Lawrence took a look at the vast scree-smothered slopes looming above them and sighed in mild dismay.
As at the Theatre the sensation of being on a safe, flat surface gave the proximity of the vast slope a vertiginous thrill.
We were looking at a vast downhill slope, and the horizon was farther away than I had gotten used to.
The floater-cars were getting under way, forward up the endless vast slopes that lay between Amblemorn and the Castle.
It was as if he were sliding down a long, vast slope in spacetime.
Here the vast slopes of dark fir trees surrounded barren chunks of sharp granite.
A few minutes later, the six strangers were no more than specks retreating along the vast rocky slopes.
The vast slopes were uninhabited now, but then, only a few hardy souls other than the Cherokee had ever called the mountains home.
Air swept inland on the Trade winds is shunted one way or another by the mountains, valleys, and vast open slopes.
The hisa kept moving, flowing down that vast grassy slope to the plain.