Ms. Monk wisely limited seating in that vast sanctuary so that her dance would not look ineffectual to anyone far from the performers.
Situated on a vast marine sanctuary, the city also offers year-round viewing of marine animals.
She says, "The instant and thoughtless panaceas of born-again Christianity will be seen as a vast sanctuary by millions of North Americans."
What with the row upon row of aisles along with the woodwork and shelves of dark walnut, the lamps and candles did little to illuminate the vast inner sanctuary.
What was intended to be the vast sanctuary of the new Cathedral was remodelled to serve as the local Church.
Yesterday the cathedral's newly appointed dean, the Rev. James A. Kowalski, stood in the vast, nearly empty sanctuary, where the smell of smoke lingered.
On Feb. 17, nearly 200 of Cece's friends and relatives filed into the vast Romanesque sanctuary of Rodeph Sholom.
We ate and talked and drank and ate and talked, filling the vast dark sanctuary of the warehouse with our ebullience and fellowship.
Pushing open a pair of gold-inlaid doors, Mother led the way into a vast sanctuary, which was filled with Bolians on their knees, muttering prayers aloud.