The Man condemns this vast operation of "war for sale" and confronts his corporate leaders.
My boy, when you have been familiar with vast operations as long as I have, you'll be different.
This vast operation tided the city through the war and served as a base for a healthy economy in the postwar period.
He knew Chevrolet's vast operations better than any other executive in the division.
For one thing, his presidency did not include responsibility for the vast overseas operations, which are vital to the future growth of the corporation.
And the company's vast operations have helped keep mortgage rates low.
Upstairs, in the vast, windowless operations room, it takes a moment for your eyes to adjust to the dark.
Nonetheless, the movement was a vast operation, unparalleled in pre- or post-independence Africa.
Combined, the developments raise questions about management's ability to run, and to monitor, the vast operations it has acquired in recent years.
This, together with the vast clean-up operations, stopped or severely hampered tourism in the area for a time.