There was refuge for a while in the Fractal System, that vast maze where ancient beings gave them shelter.
Ransomer preserve me, I wish my escape had been through the parts of this vast maze you saw!
The party was not in danger of getting lost in the vast maze of the ship.
He liked slinking through the vast stinking maze that reminded him of Skavenblight.
When the doors opened, he stepped into a vast electronic maze, comprising the communications and information network of the marine agency.
Nationwide, the vast maze of buried water and waste pipelines is one of the biggest sources of trouble.
The interior of the ship is a vast opaque maze and moving about within it is difficult without an intelligence to guide you.
London was a vast maze of streets and lanes.
But at least the defenders were intimately familiar with the vast, labyrinthine maze of the space station's confusing internal passageways.
Almost, in the vast maze of ships and jacks, he had forgotten where it was.