The threat at James Bay is destruction of an entire vast ecosystem because the hydro industry considers this a "clean and nonpolluting" energy source.
Gorongosa National Park protects a vast ecosystem defined, shaped, and given life by all the rivers that flow into Lake Urema.
Given its location in a vast environmental ecosystem, Bosque students are leaders in becoming good stewards of the land.
The outlook for the river and its vast ecosystem was not promising, he added.
More specifically NCCF works on projects to minimize the amount of bacteria that contaminates this vast underwater ecosystem.
An enormous number of seabirds link this small (154 ha) island to a vast marine ecosystem.
The Living Prairie Museum is one of the few preserves of this once vast ecosystem.
The park itself is merely the protected core of a vast, seamless ecosystem seven times as large.
All of the rich functionality that has been implemented in Firefox's vast add-on ecosystem can be translated into the world of mobile browsing.
What distinguishes highland societies may exceed what they have in common: a vast ecosystem, a state of marginality, and forms of subordination.