With such innovations as the open floor plan and corner windows, he created a spatial flow that related the individual building to America's vast dimensions.
The ring was extremely thin compared with its vast lateral dimensions.
His name is also connected with another practical undertaking, since grown to vast dimensions.
Because of its vast dimensions, it is sometimes called The River Sea.
So now that I have explained it, you can see the vast dimensions of this last cover-up.
His committee's report concluded, "Given the vast dimensions of the need, the response offered by various voluntary alternatives would be inadequate."
The vast dimensions of this mighty space beneath Earth's crust were enough to stagger the mind.
The interior is of vast dimensions when compared with other churches.
Trading in its shares has been suspended since Dec. 2, when the vast dimensions of the scandal began to become known.
But today she was uncomfortably aware of the vast dimensions, the emptiness of the place in early morning.