The huntsmen who have climbed along the high ridge to look into the vale report vast desolation.
But he was at home in such places of vast desolation, and was more likely to become lost in a building than in dense woods.
The center was almost as vast a desolation as the rim.
The hole inside him grew to a vast and lonely desolation.
It had become a vast desolation.
There's a brief evocation of the Abraxas, the hotel where Jurgen and Rudolfo perform, and a few perfunctory nods to the vast desolation of the surrounding landscape.
Our eldest in some degree understood the scenes passing around, and at times, he with serious looks questioned me concerning the reason of so vast a desolation.
They had wandered hither and thither across the vast desolation of the wilderness, alone or with comrades.
The vast desolation of this land was both frightening and soothing.
He was looking at what lay before him, standing on the very side of a vast desolation.