He died greatly respected, and was followed to the grave by a vast concourse of people.
I had to while away the time in one of the airport's vast concourses.
For the last several days I have been riding in company with a vast concourse of the Dervish.
"They are very silent," said Good; and indeed the intense stillness among such a vast concourse of living men was almost overpowering.
A vast concourse of people assembled at the Coffee House, on their leaving the ground, and gave them three very hearty cheers.
And Maart went into the high mountains and with him was a vast concourse of people.
Behind them were ranged a vast concourse of people who stood silent.
Anything more imposing than the sight that was presented by this vast and orderly concourse of armed men it is impossible for one to conceive.
Never in peace or war have I seen so vast a concourse.
Somewhere or other throughout that vast concourse each notable record of ten centuries was being told to eager ears.