For three days the little party made their way under these vast arches, over a clayey soil which the foot of man had never trod.
The gold banner stirred and fluttered and spread, like a last ray of the sun, out against the vast arch of the sky.
Suddenly a vast arch of lightning spanned the sky above the Dreamer's Keep.
He looked with some curiosity at a vast, half-built arch at one end of the square.
The pale sun drenched her, a small, skinny, black-haired woman alone in the vast arch of the shattered Gate.
But they were alone, with the vast arch of sky empty above them and the wide white stretch of sand a desert around them.
Those jumping field lines thread galaxies, rise in vast arches above the Sun and drift through space on the solar wind.
He nodded, confident now, and led the way under the vast, white arch of stone, knowing what he would find at the other end of it.
But before them and very far away there was a vast, dim arch of deepest red.
One knows, for example, that dank and weed-tangled waters lie beyond the vast, dark arches of the second and fourth acts.