Due to vast size and latitudinal variations above the sea level of 1,700m there is a varied vegetation.
The Plaza de Lorenzo Cáceres with its varied vegetation is located in the environment of the Parque del Drago.
He scented dank earth, pine trees, and the many aromas from the varied vegetation, but not so much as a hint of any humans.
The ground was grassy, with clumps of varied vegetation, and the birds were all about.
It also occupies the largest geographical space in the whole of Isuikwuato, and has the most varied vegetation, relief and drainage.
These forests have a very varied vegetation where there are trees, shrubs, guacos, epiphytes and the Moriche Palm.
Hence the upper region of the Alps sustains a far more varied and brilliant vegetation.
The varied vegetation includes Coconut trees, Mango trees, teakwood among others.
The varied vegetation of Algeria includes coastal, mountainous and grassy desert-like regions which all support a wide range of wildlife.
The principal ecosystems consist of varied vegetation, from lowland jungle, temperate forest and agricultural land, although many forests here have suffered damage.