A good reed, one that not only functions freely and flexibly but also provides rich and varied tone, may last a week or two, or only a day.
The dialogue is handled by a single person, who uses varied tones of voice and speaking manners to simulate different characters.
The prevailing local language is the indigenous Bahasa Sama which is widely used in varied tones and accents.
Situations vary on the Continent and it is possible to have Talislanta games of greatly varied tone due to this.
The same warm, varied tone and well-ordered sense of style served both music and musician in Rachmaninoff's "Corelli" Variations.
When other pianists aligned with the Steinway piano, he chose a different approach and a unique broadly varied tone through non-standard instruments.
The day was overcast; at the foot of the street, sky and water lay in varied tones of gray, broken by a spiky black army of masts.
The sparser population that filled the offices in the evening and through the night made its way in and greeted him in varied tones of surprise.
The Sounds of Anger The anger across the country had come in varied tones, like a musical chord.
Cohen knew the late Cretaceous must have been a symphony of varied tone, but it was as if he was listening to it through earmuffs.