The first was further divided into about three lines of a grid, each line indicating a varied combination of lyrics, gongche tablature, se tablature, pitch, and/or beats depending on the score used.
A number of helmets hung over the entrances to the huts, looking as if they were made from varied combinations of iron and leather.
Haydn's Trio in C (the "London") may even have been written for domestic and amateur players enjoying each other's company in private; it is played using varied instrumental combinations.
But the bureau published 29 other possibile projections based on varied combinations involving factors like birthrates and death rates.
Otherwise, it would be difficult to construct such a varied combination of letter styles.
To combat opponents, Hellboy uses his stone "right hand of doom" for most hand to hand combat situations, with heavy and quick attacks that can be mixed together for varied combinations.
The leading ideas of the legends were presumably transferred individually, and appeared later in literary form in the most varied combinations.
Mixed and stirred in expertly varied combinations by Ms. Dee, these unromantic ingredients coalesce into an unlikely recipe for free will.
The song consists of a varied combination of wheezy notes that may include imitations of the calls of other birds.
It was a tough nut, since the stations housed six transmitters, keyed to six planets each-but in highly varied combinations; each world had its own group of tie-ins with planets.