Russian cuisine derives its varied character from the vast and multi-cultural expanse of Russia.
Its varied character, bird life and rich ground flora, including wild daffodils, make it an enchanting place.
She felt it was a strong concept for a drama, based on the varied characters and multiple story ideas.
Mr. Wambaugh, who delights in his varied characters, gives us a fine supporting cast.
I have selected ten routes to represent the varied character and development of the crag divided left to right.
The company was of a varied character; but he was not at fault, that I could discover, with any member of it.
On "Gunsmoke," his roles changed from thugs to more varied characters.
The art style is engaging, with varied characters, and fun.
The street's varied character became the loose organizing principle for the exhibition, which is strung along Auguststrasse like a collection of tales.
He studied their peculiarities from a personal point of view, too, as one would study the varied characters of men.