They're like, 'We're not selling enough vampire books.'
"One Hollywood actor who fashions himself a proponent of the dark side, an author who does vampire books, an industrialist, and 4,382 various e-mail identities."
It was one of Alexander's vampire books.
"People will claim we planned him and my vampire book to arrive that week, things that go bump and cry in the night."
I'm including all the paranormal stuff, and the vampire books.
Ms. Hinton attributed the bad reviews to the fact that readers were not expecting a vampire book.
The vampire book set in D.C. just isn't working, and I'm going nuts.
I'd love to see her read more widely (if not turned into a vampire book).
He settled comfortably in the same spot, pushing aside the two "vampire books," which still lay on the floor, unnoticed.
If you are into Young Adult vampire books I think you will most likely like this book.