The point of origin is usually a mixing valve (the oil mist generator), connected to this header.
Hurriedly, Lenley adjusted two valves, connected with pipes that came from a paneled partition at the side of the motor.
Boost pressure control (L and R engines) utilises a solenoid valve pneumatically connected to the turbocharger's waste gate.
The only moving part is a simple valve, connected to the flushing handle, which blocks a PVC tube when the handle is pulled.
This consisted of a hydrostatic valve and pendulum balance, connected to a horizontal rudder, which controlled the running depth.
On Sept. 1, a different valve connected to the steam generator malfunctioned, and the plant was taken off line for two days.
The severed pipe fell onto and broke a valve connected to a chloride dioxide tank, releasing the liquid.
A manifold is composed of assorted hydraulic valves connected to each other.
A valve connected to the bladder protrudes through the leather and allows air to be pumped into the ball.
It consists of a valve connected to a hollow sealed float by means of a lever, mounted near the top of the tank.