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The U.S. Constitution - Valuing Civic Participation "
Pratt, Shannon H. Valuing Small Businesses and Professional Practices.
"On Valuing Nature", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.
In: S. Brush & Doreen Stabinsky, eds., Valuing local knowledge: indigenous people and intellectual property rights.
Johnathan Mun, Valuing Employee Stock Options, Wiley Finance, 2004.
Gerzog, Valuing Art in an Estate, Tax Analysts, Tax Notes, Vol.
This year it started an international "Valuing People" program that aims to combat stereotypes - including those plaguing white men - and to help all employees develop satisfying careers.
Jabatan Pengurusan Penilaian Harta (Valuing and Property Management Department)
Joseph A. D'Urso: Valuing Employee Stock Options (Excel spreadsheet)
In 2007, Finch published his first book entitled All Your Money Won't Another Minute Buy: Valuing Time as a Business Resource.
He is Principal Investigator on the Valuing the Arc programme, which is focused on the conservation of the Eastern Arc Mountains in Tanzania.
True-Love: Essays on Poetry and Valuing, (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2009)
Brush, S. B., and D. Stabinsky (editors) 1996 Valuing Local Knowledge: Indigenous People and Intellectual Property Rights.
Session titles include Leading Change, Problem Solving, Valuing People and Leveraging Diversity, Managing Conflict, and Coaching and Mentoring.
Introducing Infonomics: Valuing Information as a Corporate Asset, Gartner research publication, Douglas Laney, 21 March 2012 (public summary, full text available to Gartner clients)
This process can be broken down into five stages (Communication, Analysis, Synthesis, Valuing, Execution) which form the CASVE decision-making cycle that one continually navigates throughout their career development.
Vig invented the scientific method of Non-Subjective Valuing (U.S. Patent 6038554) which is fully detailed in his book How To Tell What Things Are Really Worth.
Joseph A. D'Urso, Valuing Employee Stock Options: A Binomial Approach Using Microsoft Excel, The CPA Journal, July 2005.
Les Barenbaum, Walt Schubert, and Bonnie O'Rourke, Valuing Employee Stock Options Using a Lattice Model, The CPA Journal, December 2004.
A study of the Botswana Diamond Valuing Company, whose 525 highly-trained sorters pick diamonds off conveyor belts full of mine gravel, estimated that AIDS cost it $237 per employee, or 6 percent of profits, in 1994.
"Supportive living" in the "Valuing People, 21st Century" report defined this approach as: "concerned with designing services round the particular needs and wishes of individuals and is less likely to result in housing and support that is designed around congregate living.
Last year bulls dominated the public discourse, but we have lately been hearing a lot from the sophisticated bears - people like Robert Shiller, the author of "Irrational Exuberance," or Andrew Smithers and Stephen Wright, co-authors of "Valuing Wall Street."
To the Editor: Re "Valuing Lunchroom Duty as a Teaching Resource," by Richard Rothstein (Lessons column, Feb. 27): It is not enough to ask teachers to replace or supplement aides in patrol duty to gain insights about children's instruction.
An Alternative Paradigm for Valuing Breach of Registration Rights and Loss of Liquidity, 39 UNIVERSITY OF RICHMOND LAW REVIEW 627 (2005).
Person-centred planning was adopted as government policy in the United Kingdom through the 'Valuing People' White Paper in 2001, and as part of 'Valuing People Now', the 'refresh' of this white paper in 2009.