The new company would have a market value around $6 billion.
These 41 companies have a market value of $11.65 billion.
The stock held by the Government has a current market value of about $615 million.
They will be required to have a market value of at least $2.5 million.
The offer was $248 million about the same as its market value.
The company has a current market value of $108 million.
We believe the current market value is about $120,000 to $140,000.
The company's market value is now more than $300 million.
At $4 a share, the company's market value is about $171 million.
Even at its current stock price, the company still has a market value of more than $1.5 billion.
Who can say, really, what the show's commercial value was?
"What makes you think there's anything of commercial value in the message?"
The commercial value of long hair might also be mentioned.
At 3 pounds max, they are too small to be of commercial value.
The fruit is small and holds little commercial value as food.
Most of us have learned that the personal information we yield has commercial value.
But I of all men should have known: nothing has a commercial value unless there's a market for it.
But you will be found to have instead information of great commercial value.
In turn, some of this equipment would have commercial value and become products.
The Eastern oyster used to be of great commercial value.