They are highly valued in Japan and elsewhere for their very early flowering, often among the first flowers to appear in the late winter.
The ability was much valued among the farmers of the Karsite hills, where the soil was poor and the weather chancy.
And since such things were so highly valued among these men, Conan decided upon a second course of action.
P. managuensis is the most commonly traded species of its genus and is greatly valued among the aquarium trade.
His integrity and expertise were highly valued in both his profession and among the community.
Egalitarianism is highly valued among the people of Iceland, with income inequality being among the lowest in the world.
Its products are highly valued among collectors.
Original copies of the Black Mask are highly valued among pulp magazine collectors.
It is valued among firs for its drought tolerance.
His original books, published in a few thousand copies, are valued among collectors.