Even those who kept their jobs in the last three years saw the value of their individual retirement accounts shrink.
In the end, the value of Florida's Enron holdings shrank to $2.1 million.
Using the higher rate in their calculations, all companies would see the value of their future pension obligations shrink.
And the value of the Delta stock has shrunk below $1 million.
Since 1976, the value of $1,000 has shrunk to less than $400.
Recessions usually require the gross national product, or the total value of newly produced goods and services, to shrink for at least six months.
No, I didn't spend ten thousand dollars for a one-carat diamond two years ago and watch its value shrink in half.
In particular, the value of the coefficient of determination will shrink relative to the original training data.
After the collapse of technology stocks in 2000, the value of the state's fund shrank by about a third.
And many are collateralized by assets whose values are now shrinking.