It featured extensive general merchandise along with the typical Foodland variety of name brand, private label, and value priced food items.
Sandy Creek develops value priced fiction and nonfiction titles for ages 0 to 14 in multiple formats, including activity books, picture books, and encyclopedias.
For one, these value funds are no longer value priced: after Franklin bought Mutual Series, it added a hefty 5.75 percent sales charge for new investors.
Old Milwaukee was first brewed in 1890 and reintroduced in 1955 as a value priced beer by the Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company.
The Oldsmobile division announced today that all its 1995 models would be value priced.
Examples of managed lanes include toll lanes, reversible lanes, value priced lanes, and high-occupancy vehicle lanes.
The Bowflex Sport Home Gym is value priced yet used the power rod system for results.
Low-priced or "value priced" cigarettes have captured almost 30 percent of the market as smokers seek to spend less in the face of rising cigarette taxes and higher prices.
Each volume is available in a regular edition, a limited edition, and as part of the value priced Viridian Collection.
Advertised as being "premium quality," yet value priced, the beer sold out before Christmas.