You are known as a fair and wise man who values loyalty.
Royce resists, because he values loyalty and Burrell has always proved useful to him.
What job is worth the enormous psychic cost of following a leader who values loyalty in the narrowest sense?
This is clearly a White House that values loyalty and knows how to hold a grudge.
This makes them unpopular with their colleagues, especially in an age like ours, which values loyalty to party over loyalty to truth.
Of course that is exactly what one would expect to hear from the ruddy-faced artilleryman who values loyalty over the limelight.
They believe in practical objectives, and they value traditions and loyalty.
I value loyalty and expertise, but we have to face reality.
I've done business with the military long enough to know how much it values loyalty.
Although the brothers face pressure to do the wrong thing, they seem to be genuinely good souls who value trust, love and loyalty.