Throughout this period, the size and value of the gold coinage fluctuated considerably.
In other countries, the national currency's value fluctuates within a band (generally 15%) around a set rate.
They also carry currency risk, unlike money market funds, and the value of their shares can fluctuate.
It's important though to remember that the value of the investment itself will fluctuate so you cannot be certain of getting capital back intact.
Like all commodities, this value fluctuates with market forces.
Under his leadership, the value of the company's stock has fluctuated dramatically.
The value of gold does not fluctuate like these unstable paper currencies.
A contract whose value fluctuates with the weather may seem farfetched.
Its value may fluctuate before maturity, but the proceeds are not subject to state and local taxes.
Thus the value of each team fluctuates during the course of the betting.