The pattern that the odd values express is visible in the scatter plot of triples as the darker radiating lines.
Art exists in a context inevitably conditioned by politics, and politics and the values behind it express themselves in art.
In Chou the value of a card did not always express its significance in the scheme of things.
Real values in different years then express values of the bundles as if prices had been constant for all the years, with any differences due to differences in underlying quantities.
That is simply the voltage gain as a linear ratio of the output voltage divided by the input voltage, all values expressed as complex quantities.
The values in *2600* are generally expressed in terms that are ironic, sarcastic, paradoxical, or just downright confused.
Mr. Barnes cited the values expressed by the founding members of the club, then the Group of 6, in 1975 in Rambouillet, France.
The graph shows the values expressed as a percentage, in their historical development for a number of countries.
Advocates for biodiversity and different programs came together to try and find methods of changing Americans' values concerning their environment and different methods to express and measure them.
The value of comment boards, blogs, and even online news organisations is going to be based on how the individual values the opinions expressed.