Volatility - the degree to which the value of an asset deviates above or below the general trend - is a concept with which investors are familiar.
If the characteristic values deviate from an extremum, the parameters need to be varied until optimum values are found.
Sometimes, a value of a Gaussian random function deviates from its expected value by several standard deviations.
The actual values frequently deviate from the utensils on which they were based, and there is little consistency from one country to another.
In that case, the true value or cost of products may deviate greatly from actual selling prices for a prolonged time.
Nonresponse bias occurs when the observed value deviates from the population parameter due to differences between respondents and nonrespondents.
Coverage bias occurs when the observed value deviates from the population parameter due to differences between covered and non-covered units.
Their values deviate from prediction by about 10% due to the limited measurement accuracy and slight variation of the cone thickness along its length.
The exact numerical values for the coefficients deviate (somewhat) between different Earth models but for the lowest coefficients they all agree almost exactly.
The value of , however, may deviate from its theoretical value and can only be assessed by a proper calibration of the electrode.