These orders, valid into the next century, carried few conditions when granted and would not meet current environmental regulations.
"Having said that, I confirm that an unambiguously clear and valid order was issued by a member-state," he continued.
Nomos stands for order, valid and binding on those who fall under its jurisdiction; thus it is a social construct with ethical dimensions.
So you ignored a valid order because it wasn't conve- nient.
He said "there can be no universally valid social order but only one that is particularly suited to a particular nation."
That order, although made by consent and in terms of an illegal agreement, was a valid order until set aside; it could not be ignored.
So you ignored a valid order because it wasn't convenient.
To isolate the problem of valid orders is to go up a blind alley.
This indicates that there were no apparent perceived problems in relation to valid holy orders in the early 20th century.
That conceives of law in general and criminal law in particular as a socially valid positive moral order.