Was the painting commissioned while the topless car wash man believed in good faith that he had a valid lease?
Tenants, despite some of them having leases still valid for several years, were given the ultimatum of December 31, 2005 to vacate the premises.
However, there were no laws in violation, and Indymedia had a valid lease from the County.
So if the lease is silent on the matter, the landlord can keep the security for as long as there is a valid lease.
There are six essential elements of a valid lease:
"Then they must also have learned that it is a valid lease."
Ganis's claims to having a valid lease to build the arena once Kokusai Green took over the team are based on misreading key documents, Davis said.
But they insisted that the government had no right to reopen valid leases that it signed years ago with offshore drillers.
Intense demolition work starts immediately on vacant buildings and in vacant apartments despite that some tenants have valid leases to occupy their apartments.
"The plan is to operate the building while there are existing valid leases for the premises," he said.