It is necessary to check that the data is statistically valid by fitting a statistical distribution and then testing the significance of such a fit.
In real estate, effect of changes in real rights is only valid by registration.
Essentially the minimum fare (at that time £1) was valid for 1 hour on any route by that operator.
High and low surrogate code points are not valid by themselves.
"Even if your marriage had been valid, by your own word you've asked to annul your vows."
Gauss's law is still valid by eqns (2.79) and (2.80) do not follow from it.
Normal tickets to Waterloo are not valid by second and third routes.
This condition applies to all referendums and only if met, the referendum will be held as formally valid by the constitutional court.
It is only valid for travel by land and sea.
"Yet the progression of arguments is taken to be logically valid by all involved."