Noting that her sister would wish her support for the annual appeal to be perpetuated, Miss Garten enclosed $125 "in memory of Elsie Mildred Garten, a valiant lady who cared."
The Thalion Erithamrod and his thanes dauntless ,there vanished from the earth, whose valiant lady yet weeps in widowhood as she waits in Hithlum.
When Mai Bhago, a valiant and upright lady, heard of this cowardly act, she scolded the Singh's and inspired them refresh with spirit of bravery for which Sikhs are known.
Great gladness it is to see you wake again to health and hope, so valiant a lady!
But his daughter was a truly valiant young lady, and saw to it that her fiance, a young leader from another tribe, took in Ortiz so that he would not be so badly treated.
We join with those who mourn the passing of this gracious and valiant lady whose life touched so many.
Judith had grown fond of the valiant little lady and had no intention of giving her even the smallest worry for the limited time that she had left to her.
Let this be a day of rejoicing that this valiant lady has returned to the world she gave her life to protect.
A valiant lady.
Yes, that would be not only respectful and appropriate, but a long overdue honor for such a valiant lady.