And gotten nothing for it but a vaguely unpleasant idea of Rez as someone capable of being boring.
This is often associated with one idea of democracy: No one should have to endure anything even vaguely unpleasant.
It was just a laugh, a vaguely unpleasant one, at that.
Kramer didn't really remember Martin, but the name and the voice triggered a vaguely unpleasant recollection.
Gable's face drew together as if she'd scented something vaguely unpleasant.
Eventually the house was occupied again, despite a vaguely unpleasant reputation which was blamed on Grace's death.
This morning it was only vaguely unpleasant, almost tasteless.
I deliver my bread request in the brusque, vaguely unpleasant tone that is de rigueur.
She could make little of what she saw, except that she found it vaguely unpleasant.
Occasionally there came to his nostrils a vaguely unpleasant odor that was somehow familiar, but he could not place it.