But what it was, was precise, to a degree that made Chaka vaguely uncomfortable.
Kharl felt vaguely uncomfortable at first, then angry.
He looked vaguely uncomfortable and out of place.
If any of the young entertainers had been even vaguely uncomfortable, they were not letting on.
His smile at parting was so full of teeth, that it confused old Sol, and made him vaguely uncomfortable.
She looked from one to the other, rolled her shoulders as if shrugging off something vaguely uncomfortable.
Now it seemed subdued and smart and vaguely uncomfortable.
They sense you're big medicine, because of bein' his chosen, and it makes them vaguely uncomfortable.
He set the headset aside, vaguely uncomfortable that she'd heard his conversation.
Then it had been no more than a band of metal, heavy despite being so thin, and vaguely uncomfortable.