Her eyes grew large, a vague understanding coming into her face.
The children themselves often have only a vague understanding of why their families must move.
The oil minister has only a vague understanding of what's happening here and absolutely no personal involvement.
Zanla had only the vaguest understanding of any of them.
He had only a vague understanding of Heaven as yet, but he could not believe it would be much .
Yes, the Clinton administration had, at times, a remarkably vague and misguided understanding of the American national interest.
I married you on the vague understanding that, under those clothes of yours, you were a beautiful woman!
We have only the vaguest understanding of the beings who created that... anomaly.
The captives had only a vague understanding of world events in the last two months, the Germans said.
Mostly the three of us keep to ourselves and have at best vague understandings of what the others do with their lives.