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They were the evil villains, you were the mystery woman with the vague and exotic background.
The murmuring that had been building up as a vague background subsided abruptly.
A meeting with Kim in Bahrain was dreamlike, quickly relegated to a vague background of fantasies and remembrance, against which his real world played.
The subjects perch on branches against vague mountainous backgrounds under cloudy skies.
From out of the vague background emerged a tall, commanding figure in loose-fitting clothes, leaning down to him, a broad hand on his slim shoulder.
The figure and its dress contrasts with the vague, undefined background.
Society is a vague, amorphous background that can be disregarded in one's efforts to fathom the laws of behavior" (Sarason 1981).
For eight days, on alternate four-hour shifts, he watched with aching and bleary eyes those glinty metallic forms move against the vague background.
In both cases, literature is not considered as such, but evaluated on a broad socio-political or a vague psychologico-impressionistic background.
He had a vague background that could not easily be traced without tipping our hand too soon - again a hopeful circumstance.