Invading his blank affect was a vague aura of weariness.
Often he had wondered at the legends that clustered about the glacier, endowing it with the vague aura of ancient evil.
Dogs were everywhere, but it wasn't at all obvious where their owners went for pet food and other canine needs, enhancing their vague aura of mystery.
Its core seemed to be more brilliant than its surface, for the dazzlng interior was edged with a vague, yellowish aura.
He believed that a vague, singular aura of desolation hovered over the place, so that even the pigeons and swallows shunned its smoky eaves.
And the store, with its vague aura of coffee-house grunge, also feels different than many New York bookstores.
Unlike Dean Vanderson, she was not taking blackmail with composure and a vague aura of contempt.
She wasn't exactly smiling, but she had a vague aura of triumph that made me uneasy.
It would come back, with a dream's vague aura of unreality about it.
One night he and his wife witnessed a vague aura of human form on the fire-box top of No 43106.