The lone exception was unsigned, and contained only a vague accusation.
There had been vague accusations of unprofessional conduct in Puerto Rico-something about a missing flash roll, twenty or thirty thousand dollars.
It's a vague and unsatisfactory accusation we have against him.
One hears many explanations, often in the form of vague accusation, and one believes parts of all of them.
You keep making these vague accusations.
"Gentlemen, little will be served by vague accusations of" "You are quite right, Captain."
He was also charged with plotting, a vague but generally effective accusation.
They also contended that Winterberg was writing in "the paranoid style" (as discussed by Richard Hofstadter) and making vague accusations of conspiracy.
He also made vague accusations regarding Bynes involvement in police misconduct and corruption, although nothing came of the charges.
Articles were exhibited against the bishop, containing vague accusations and Ferrar was on a charge of praemunire committed to prison.