A vagrant wind whispered across the ice field and made the white bird dip and bobble.
It moved like mist through the shadows, letting the vagrant winds take it where they willed.
A vagrant wind had driven sleet down between his collar and his bare neck.
A vagrant wind came down between the trees and stirred a tiny puff of dust in the road that ran to the battlefield.
"Far away," Denoriel said, keeping his voice so soft it would not carry even on a vagrant wind to those behind.
And to make the destruction of Chinatown certain, the vagrant wind kept blowing from its unusual quarter in the hills.
Now, vagrant winds still brought distant shouts and screams.
Beyond the glass doors the swimming pool positively glittered for an instant as if a vagrant wind had touched its surface.
From far off, faint in a vagrant wind, came the keening of the wailing for the world.
The first four matches went out, caught by vagrant wind, burned out without igniting anything but themselves.