Nearly 95 percent of vaginal mucosa, which protects against pathogens, is made up of healthy bacteria called lactobacillus.
One method is to use a segment of colon, which provides a lubricated mucosal surface as a substitute for the vaginal mucosa.
The vaginal mucosa was severely extended, and I found small lacerations around the introitus.
Any object that comes in contact with cervical secretions, vaginal mucosa, or menstrual blood, including fingers or penetrative objects may transmit sexually transmitted diseases.
Similarly, sweat glands in treated skin (such as the armpit) tend to stop working, and the naturally moist vaginal mucosa is often dry following pelvic irradiation.
In forced vaginal penetration, abrasions and cuts commonly occur, thus facilitating the entry of the virus through the vaginal mucosa.
It may also result from inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucosa.
Is vaginal mucosa normally corrupted, as in healthy young women?
The vaginal mucosa was severely extended, and I found small lacerations around the introit us My body stiffened in rage.
In this procedure, it is desirable to maintain the vaginal mucosa as much as possible.