The flame seemed to jump up after it, in the vacuum caused by Chiun's lightning move, and the match was out.
Cavitation - the sound of water rushing in to fill the momentary vacuum caused by the turning of a submarine's propellor.
It might have been caused by the sudden rushing of air into the vacuum caused by a very large dog becoming, for example, a small dog.
Some said the original evil was the vacuum caused by the Fairy Queen Lurline leaving us alone here.
Many municipal experts are proud of the city's efforts to fight homelessness, but still question whether the city should try to fill the vacuum caused by the Federal Government's retreat from low-income housing programs.
The Newcomen and Watt engines operated near atmospheric pressure and used atmospheric pressure, or actually a vacuum caused by condensing steam, to do work.
Target home workers to fill the vacuum caused by the dissolution of unions and restricted movement within the labor system was acceptable.
The immigration package came after long wrangling with the Greens over the government's effort to admit skilled foreigners, in particular computer experts and engineers, to fill the demographic vacuum caused by an aging population.
The Mesa "filled the institutional vacuum caused by the polarization of political forces in Peru following the May 2000 elections.
White House aides acknowledge that part of their good fortune was the inevitable vacuum caused by Congress's absence.