At the HVTN, many current vaccine studies are using products with a safety record that has been established in previous human trials.
Perhaps that is why more workers did not participate in the vaccine study that Dr. Brachman was conducting.
But it is not necessary to wait until then to start vaccine studies, said Dr. Corey.
In May 1986, his vaccine study and the Ames strain made their public debut.
And Federal health officials are exploring the possibility of vaccine studies in high-risk civilian groups in the United States.
Extensive vaccine studies in mouse models have shown promising results.
Because of the resemblance of anti-idiotypic antibodies to the original antigen, vaccine studies have been performed.
Jeff Wagner's history of pre-cancerous polyps made him the perfect candidate for the vaccine study.
Some of these aspects include zoonoses, tropical infections, food hygiene, and vaccine studies.
Dr. Seeff and others say they strongly suspect that hepatitis C existed in the 1940's, but the vaccine study suggests it was not so common.