Infant deaths due to vaccine preventable childhood diseases have nearly disappeared in the United States and other countries with high vaccination coverage.
Consequently, during outbreaks and for at-risk populations, ensuring high vaccination coverage with two doses is encouraged.
And in Japan, by 1979 pertussis vaccination coverage dropped to 20 percent from 80 percent, leading to more than 13,000 cases and 41 deaths.
A large vaccination campaign was conducted to boost vaccination coverage.
Many children in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities were affected due to low vaccination coverage.
This achievement indicates the effectiveness of using multiple strategies to increase vaccination coverage.
After data from 1988 to 1989 on rates of poliomyelitis and vaccination coverage were reviewed, high-risk areas were identified.
However, these diseases still exist and can once again become common-and deadly-if vaccination coverage does not continue at high levels.
Therefore, we monitor vaccination coverage not only in our health programmes but also in many of our general budget support operations.
As a result, high levels of vaccination coverage must be maintained.