Normally airlines do better this time of year as vacation travel picks up.
The third quarter is normally the strongest one for the airline industry because of increased vacation travel.
Because vacation travel has a high fantasy factor, consumers may be more likely to let their guard down when buying.
"It's hard to stimulate vacation travel in the fall."
He would reward employees with vacation travel when they met goals, for example, and defended them in Enron's competitive culture.
Yet research trips also provide a sense of adventure that normal vacation travel doesn't.
They noted that those events sharply reduced vacation travel.
For vacation travel, however, the carry-on option may no longer solve the problem.
I'M perfectly willing to buy into almost any myth about vacation travel, no matter how feeble or consistently wrong.
Three of the top 10 days - Aug. 4, 6 and 12 - fall in a time of heavy vacation travel.