God, his skills were going to be utterly wasted in retirement.
All that precious time utterly wasted.
All the factual evidence shows it is utterly wasted!
Pointless, utterly wasted if I didn't know where they were from.
Without his pressurized flying suit, the supreme aerial technology of the MiG was useless, utterly wasted.
It seemed to him that all those years, vanished beyond recall, had been utterly wasted.
The day, he thought, had been utterly wasted, and he had only himself to blame.
But it had to be done or the hell we'd put ourselves through would have been time and pain utterly wasted.
This is going to either open the door to new gameplay ideas and mechanics, or be utterly wasted.
You can begin, say, classical ballet training at age six-and at fourteen find yourself broad-shouldered, the years of total effort utterly wasted.