However, there are many who claim that the movie is utterly unrealistic and does not show what the conditions and treatment of prisoners was actually like.
But that estimate is based on the assumption that appropriations for such "discretionary" items as the national defense, education, housing, air traffic control, etc., will remain within the utterly unrealistic budget caps passed by Congress in 1997.
The possible content of RE is so enormous, and the possible interpretation so varied, that the idea of a core content and suitable method of conveying it is utterly unrealistic.
It may be that you're becoming more impatient but I think it's that some customers have utterly unrealistic expectations of shops and staff.
The first funding proposal in April 1999 was rejected as utterly unrealistic.
It is utterly unrealistic to expect Afghanistan to build the necessary democratic pillars in a few months time when it took modern democracies decades to do so.
"The main reason that the E.E.O.C.'s charge process is so problematic is that it has been subject to utterly unrealistic expectations," the study concluded.
The biggest problem with the Presidential Selector, though, is that it reflects an utterly unrealistic sense of how people choose candidates.
With regard to the Structural Funds, the grants of which gave rise to countless cases of irregularities, it is utterly unrealistic to claim that it will be possible to maintain the Fund beyond 2006.
This seems utterly unrealistic.