His dark black hair and beard looked utterly unnatural against the startling pallor of his face.
There was something utterly unnatural about it.
Her lips were pursed, as if to suck, and they quivered with a strange, tense, trembling desire, utterly unnatural, almost obscene.
Now cruelty to children is an utterly unnatural thing; instinctively accursed of earth and heaven.
These creatures had adopted an abominable stillness, a frozen regard which was in itself utterly unnatural and menacing.
But there came out of him a cry which was talked of afterwards as something utterly unnatural and new.
"It is utterly unnatural and will, ultimately, destroy us."
And yet, as with Mr. Scheer's moths, it can feel utterly unnatural.
It seemed utterly unnatural that so lovely a creature as Ankaret should willingly submit to, let alone welcome, the caresses of this little dark, morose, uncultured runt of a man.
What was he then: some species so far removed from those with whom he now traveled that they would find him utterly unnatural?