Woodrow was utterly unbearable; I had to refrain from switching him too often.
I, for one, have come to accept the fact that my death is inevitable, but the mere thought of losing one of my children is utterly unbearable.
Utterly unbearable.
It was utterly indiscriminate, and utterly unbearable for any length of time.
Nuella understood, and even agreed with his thinking: It would be bad enough if she failed, but utterly unbearable if she was asked to repeat her failure time and time again.
Immediately afterwards an utterly unbearable foetor welled forth from the unseen heights, choking and sickening the trembling watchers, and almost prostrating those in the square.
One might say that he was a great man, yet he was also an ogre, an absolute tyrant, who made the lives of those beneath him utterly unbearable.
The man stopped whispering and screamed in utterly unbearable agony.
All life seemed utterly unbearable to me, both in its horror and its splendour.