The plot is utterly trivial: the world is about to be blown up by a "nuclear extremist."
"Oh, yes," Slon said, as if discussing utterly trivial matters.
Even if it seems utterly trivial or irrelevant, please don't hesitate to speak.
It is utterly trivial to game the system.
That Lewisham had to take "duty" at half-past five seemed a thing utterly trivial.
I'm closing some deals that will make the black currency market utterly trivial.
Other than it being utterly trivial in the context of the Leveson Inquiry, of course.
Much of what they think seems utterly trivial or self-indulgent: What color is the sky at sunset?
For really, the objection was, on the face of it, utterly trivial.
Anna waved a hand, as if that were utterly trivial, and her beautiful wings rustled.