The aliens can also create utterly realistic hallucinations in humans, and often use this to try to interact with abductees.
"If you want to sell quickly," she added, "then you have to be utterly realistic about the market conditions today - not yesterday, today."
That it was not an importation from Earth Jim knew, for the scene, while utterly realistic, had no slick commercial finish, no plot.
The redeeming quality of Roosevelt's utterly realistic characters is that they know exactly what they are doing.
The second is to capture the Mackey family's long-brewing resentments in a way that's utterly realistic on many levels.
Kent Turner, writing for School Library Journal, stated that while the book is "utterly realistic", the film is "fantastic" and thus fundamentally different.
The result is theater that is simultaneously poetic and utterly realistic.
Manny and Danny are utterly realistic without being surprising for a minute.
All nations and all sectors are experiencing tough economic times at present, and I caution this committee to be utterly realistic about its expectations from the European budget.
The sets are alternately too much - too fancy - and too little, that is, utterly realistic.